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Too Many Things! Too Little Time!

Today was a pretty hectic day. My cousin, Kim B, is done with finals and I promised her that I'd get her knitting pretty hardcore once she has the time for it. I knew that I'd be going into the city to see Deb, so I took her along for a quick stop to Seaport Yarns.

Deb told me to unravel the top of the bag, purl a row, and knit three rows of stockinette. The purl row would provide a natural bend in the stitching, so it will be easy to sew it down. Plus, she also provided me with new yarn:
ggh Soft-Kid

So soft! It's ggh Soft-Kid: 70% Super Kid Mohair, 25% Nylon, and 5% Wool. I'm making the front and sleeves of a sweater with a Union Jack on the cover. Woo hoo! I can't wait.

I brought Kim to Seaport Yarn and bought her six skeins of Debbie Bliss Merino Aran: three balls in two different colors for two kitty hats she's going to tackle. One for her, one for her sister. I told her to do her sister's hat first, so she can get all of her mistakes out of the way on the first hat so hers would be perfect. Hee hee. I got her some Addi Turbos and Britany DPNs in appropriate sizes for the hat as well. I wouldn't be surprised if she's done with it by next week; she's quite fast.

We caught a lot of traffic on the way home, so I wasn't able to show her how to cast off. But, we made plans to meet again tomorrow and I'd show her then.

I spent the evening working on the bag untit I had to do the sewing-up part. I tried, but I could see the pucking from the opposite side and it looked awful. I'll be seeing Deb again tomorrow and she indicated she should help me with it further.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 21, 2004 12:12 AM.

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