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July 16, 2004 Archives

July 16, 2004

Do I really need a new project?

Boredom + New Yarn Shop Stop = Yes, most definitely a new project!

Anne Schaefer Yarn Scarf

Today, I drove Mike to a gaming convention, which he was attending from 10am to around 7pm. I didn't want to drive back (about 45 minutes) home, so I decided to just hang around the newby Princeton area. I looked up some local stores in the area. I went to Glenmarle Woolworks and spent the time trying very hard not to drool over the yards and yards of Rowan yarn.

I love Rowan yarn. I love the designs. I just wish they were made for women with my bust size! Someday, I'll probably join the knitting circle.

I didn't plan on getting anything until I saw a very pretty shawl on one of the table's stores. I asked the woman at the store and she pointed me to some lovely "Anne" Schaefer yarn. I think the colorway is Isadora Duncan. Something red to contrast against the purple/green/yellow of my Charlotte.

So, I've got a new project on my needles. I think it will take me a week, maybe two, to use up the yarn. Something short and fun.

About July 2004

This page contains all entries posted to Woolgathering Dot Net in July 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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July 19, 2004 is the next archive.

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