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July 14, 2004 Archives

July 14, 2004


Staying away from the knitting needles has caused me to spend a bit of time playing with my graphics programs. Over the past few days, I started working on this:


pixelFiber is one of my two new online projects.

It started from my birthday. I thought it would be cool to have a little graphic saying "July" and an appropriate-colored yarn behind it. So, one late evening, I made appropriate graphics for all the months. I was about to post it here when I decided to not post them up. I wanted a central location for all my graphics that are knitting related. Originally, I was calling it "digital fiber", but then I changed my mind and went with "pixelFiber" instead. Pixel is a nicer word and "digital fiber" sound too much like "fiber optics". After some development, I put up my subsite. I think it's very pretty, sporting my Charlotte colorway.

Feel free to take a month graphic. I'm hoping that other people will be inspired and can point me/send me photographs of yarn they know would make a good month/yarn icon. This is especially true for months I had difficulty matching, like March, May, and poor poor August (Peridot? Not a common color). I'd put a from X credit next to the icon and would send them much knitting love.

My second online project is still in the idea stage. It'll be a web page for people who make/provide graphics/development/assistance to the online knitting community. The "Knitternet" as I've read it called. I've been tossing around ideas in my head (and sending some to missa). "The Knitternet Artist Collective"? My brain has settled into just calling it "An Online Space for Digital and Fiber Artists" (with the 'and' emphasized). Each artist would get a space, 210 pixels wide, 350 pixels high, to do whatever they want. I may probably make it an iframe, so that they can change the HTML page (hosted on each artist's site) anytime they want, showcasing their latest creations.

My current project objective for this is:
"Our purpose is to display the talents of digital and fiber artists that would like to contribute to the online knitting, crocheting, and spinning community."
It needs to be fine-tuned. Suggestions would be welcomed (and artists who want to participate, please contact me)!

About July 2004

This page contains all entries posted to Woolgathering Dot Net in July 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 13, 2004 is the previous archive.

July 15, 2004 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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