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June 14, 2004 Archives

June 14, 2004

Salt Peanuts Lovin'

Two knitters done! Gloriana and I completed our Salt Peanuts (well, hers more than mine since I still need to find a ribbon and sew down the collar) today.

Check out our buttons!

Salt Peanuts KnitalongSalt Peanuts Knitalong
Salt Peanuts KnitalongSalt Peanuts Knitalong

Thanks, Gloriana, for giving me the kudos to use your image!

Gerbera is finished with the back, not yet started on the front (I lied earlier). Jill is almost to the back armholes. Emmdy has gauge! She got her advice from the Knitty message boards: use US10.5 on the knit side and US9 on the purl side. Lucy's Bergamo arrived and she's on-gauge, working on a sleeve.


The Salt Peanuts Saga is Ovah!

Well, not 100% over. I still need to find a ribbon and sew down the edges of the collar, but for all practical purposes, I'm done! I weaved in the ends this afternoon.

Salt Peanuts
(Don't I look way too overheated in the picture? It's hot and humid at the moment. I tried to put in a game face for the camera, but I'm sweltering. I look wilted. My blue-grey shirt and blue shorts don't match the sweater too well.)

I thought I'd be done over the weekend, but I had a hard time with the sleeves due to my wonky gauge issues. Since I varied the pattern for the front, I had to redo the sleeve caps three times to get them right. The first time I followed the pattern. When I discovered they were too long, I undid a section of it, but that still wasn't good enough: the caps were the wrong shape for my needs. So I undid them all the way to the beginnin of the caps and improvised.

My yarn was too varied from the original, so it wasn't an appropriate substitute, now that I've knit with it. I'm considering doing another, this time with the Muench Bergamo; I'd love to see how it drapes. The Cherry Tree Hill yarn is a little stiff, but very warm and I think it will be nice and snuggly in the winter over a long-sleeved shirt. I've still got a whole skein (280 yards) worth of yarn, which I'll probably donate to my sister.

I like it. I don't love it, alas, but I do like it. Plus, it's got that little space in my heart since it is my first sweater. I dare say it looks rather "Weasley"-ish. Hehe. I've got Potter on the brain. I think I'm going to go back to Fiona for the next week, perhaps cast on for my first sock (yes, I am almost a half a month overdue to starting my first pair of socks). I feel satisfied now that I'm done... and I hope not to do another sweater until the fall!

About June 2004

This page contains all entries posted to Woolgathering Dot Net in June 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 11, 2004 is the previous archive.

June 15, 2004 is the next archive.

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