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May 23, 2004 Archives

May 23, 2004

Critter Knitters Knit-Out!

I drove into the city this afternoon for the Critter Knitters Central Park Knit-Out. I expected to take public transportation, but then things got a little crazy and I needed to drive in if I wanted to get there at any reasonable time. I've never been to Strawberry Fields; I only think of it when the news mentions the John Lennon tribute gatherings, and I don't deal with large crowds that well thus I never go. It's a pretty high-traffic spot with people streaming in and a small group of mediocre guitar players doing the Beatles.

It wasn't hard to spot the Critter Knitters group. Katie from Little Italy and Katie from NJ, from the yarn crawl, were there already, sitting in a fairly small circle with food (Oreos! Pringles!) in the center. I pulled out some blue acrylic yarn, US10s, and started working on a blanket. I got to meet Sage and Liz, both were very cool and friendly. I got to see Chia again and met Leslie, who wowed us with her entrelac technique.

The weather was hot but nice, thanks to a constant breeze. It was only until late in the afternoon when the breeze died down that I noticed how hot it was. The shade kept moving and we found our tight circle slowly dispersing. I saw Anh,one of my former coworkers, and we chatted for a while. It was good to see her again, although I was sad to hear that they're still working pretty long hours. I worked about two inches of my blanket when I decided that I'll just work on squares instead. I grabbed some US15s and donated uberchunky cotton yarn and quickly knit up two squares by the end of the day.

There were three raffles, won by Leslie, Katie (from Little Italy), and Chia. Very cool that the people I got to know all won! The next knit-out is probably in Prospect Park. I'm not sure if I'll go, since it's a bit far but I'd like to. Katie from NJ suggested that we should go together, which could be very cool. We need to get together anyway; she has a friend in Montclair who has a homemaker husband, like Mike and me, and suggested we should all get together for coffee someday. I love how knitting is expanding my friendships,getting me out of my hermit nature, and allowing me to volunteer.

Note: I didn't have my digital camera (parents borrowed it), so there are no pictures I could take at the event. However, Liz has some up. I'm on the far left of the third picture.

About May 2004

This page contains all entries posted to Woolgathering Dot Net in May 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

May 22, 2004 is the previous archive.

May 24, 2004 is the next archive.

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