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May 13, 2004 Archives

May 13, 2004

No Fringe, Please

I'm done!

My PoA Scarf

I spent the evening weaving in all the ends and binding off.

I love the Three Needle Bind-Off. It looks sweet on both sides, so it's my new favorite thing and I plan on using the technique whenever I can.

Although I haven't officially measured it, Mike estimated it to be over eight feet long, containing 15 repeats (16 trapped bars). I have enough yarn, I think, to add the decorative rows for a vest or cardigan, which I plan on doing in the future. Today, I ordered my skirt from Flynn & O'Hara. The grey is light, but I think if I get a grey yarn that matches when I make my vest/cardigan, it won't be too big a deal. I decided not to do the fringe, primarily because I don't like fringe. If I happen to have appropriate yarn after I make the matching vest/cardi, I'll consider adding fringe to look accurate. I also bought fabric and Simplicity 5840 from someone on LiveJournal that wasn't making a robe. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it in time for the showing, but next year I'll be doubly prepared.

So, all I need to get are socks, mary janes, a wand, and I'm all set! I have tickets to both the HP Line Party and Fiction Alley's IMAX showing on Saturday. Can you tell I'm really excited about this film?

Swatching! Casting!

Tonight, I swatched Salt Peanuts in my Cherry Tree Hill Potluck Worsted.

Salt Peanuts Swatch

This was my third swatch, when I was able to get gauge. I started on a US9 and worked up to the US10.5, which is what the pattern recommends. The stitches are a little looser than ideal, but I can live with it; I'll be able to wear it on warmer days than my original conception for it.

Working with the yarn itself is very lovely. It's 100% wool and feels nice and warm to my hands. The changing colors keeps it fun and I like how my eyes are drawn to the quickly changing gradients. I need to pick up a pair of US10.5 Addi Turbo circ in the semi-near future, but I have a bamboo circ I can use for now.

I plan on casting on tonight too and knitting a few rows. Salt Peanuts is away!

Let us tempt you

Salt Peanuts is slowly drawing other knitters into its (not Charlotte) web.

Gloriana's SP is in air-blue Muench Bergamo. Jill is doing hers in charcoal Muench Bergamo. Volupta's SP is in "JJ's Montage Collection in Aubergine" handpainted merino from New Zealand. Paige is also using air-blue Muench Bergamo. Jas ordered sunset gold Muench Bergamo while gnat ordered Plum Wine. emling is talking of doing another SP in grey heather.

Volupta casted on Tuesday and has already worked up to the chest increases on the back. Mine is in fall-colored Cherry Tree Hill Potluck Worsted and will be cast on tonight.

I didn't realize that there was another knitalong group for Salt Peanuts. How wonderful to see people really loving this pattern! Thanks to Jennifer Fleury of Knotty Girls for her Salt Peanuts Pattern Tips.

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About May 2004

This page contains all entries posted to Woolgathering Dot Net in May 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

May 11, 2004 is the previous archive.

May 14, 2004 is the next archive.

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