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May 5, 2004 Archives

May 5, 2004

Now announcing...

...the Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban Scarf Knitalong!

29 days and counting until the movie's release in the US and even though I'm almost done with my scarf, I thought it would be nice to start a knitalong for those who are anxiously working away on their scarves.

The permanent location for the knitalong page is http://www.woolgathering.net/archives/knitalongs/hppoa.html; it contains information, icons, a list of knitters all participating, and updates/progress reports for participants. Woo hoo!

Speaking of icons...

GryffindorHP Azkaban Knitalong
SlytherinHP Azkaban Knitalong
Film RavenclawHP Azkaban Knitalong
Book RavenclawHP Azkaban Knitalong
HufflepuffHP Azkaban Knitalong

If you take one, please save it to your own server.

Email me with your information (name, URL if you have one, and what scarf you are creating) at iko[at]woolgathering[dot]net. I will add you to the participants list.

It will be a never-ending knitalong, so there is no timeframe to when you start or end so if you've already finished your scarf, you can sign up as long as you make it yourself.

When you've updated your journal with progress of your scarf, let us know and I'll post it here.

The pattern is from Lauren Kent, goddess of the Harry Potter scarf patterns. Thank you so much, Lauren!


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9th Repeat!

I'm almost done with my ninth repeat! Please excuse the really bad picture.

PoA Scarf

However, new images from the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban playing card set have cropped up (graphic taken from mugglenet.com) of the new scarf:
PoA Trading Card
Long! Very long!

In the ideal world, I would wear the scarf once around my neck and it would fall in the same way that scarf falls, with long tails that stretch to my knees.

It looks like I'm not close to being done with the scarf. I think I'll knit until I run out of yarn.

About May 2004

This page contains all entries posted to Woolgathering Dot Net in May 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

May 2, 2004 is the previous archive.

May 6, 2004 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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