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Comin' Out of the Woodwork

So many new knitters for the Prisoner of Azkaban knitalong!

Emily of faces the fanfare.only the fool is working on a Ravenclaw scarf. Wow, lots of Ravenclaws!

Luvtocraft of Luvtocraft's creations is currently working on a knitted Gryffindor scarf and will also tackle a Ravenclaw one. She also crochet, so check out her crochet pattern for the scarf.

Nikki from Woodinville, WA (near Seattle), has two sons that are Harry Potter nuts. She's going to knit one for each: one Ravenclaw and one Gryffindor. She's also a new knitter (welcome to the new knitter club!) and says she'll send pictures when she's done.

Kari of turn to page 394... finished a Slytherin scarf using the first two films' design. Now, she's working on a Gryffindor scarf in PoA colors, influenced by seeing Hermione in the Hogsmeade scenes. She might make a Slytherin one later.

MA of Tales of a Nutty Single Mom was someone I noticed had linked to me and joined the knitalong, but I never received an email from her. I emailed her if she wanted to join and she said yes! It turns out that she was at the NYC IMAX showing too. She's making a Hufflepuff scarf outof Cotton Ease and is making it half the width, since she wants it skinny.

I updated Cindy's link to her journal. She let me know that she works in a library and teaches a weekly knitting/crochet class. Half the girls are knitting HP scarves and they will be displayed at the library in a few months! Woo hoo! I can't wait for pictures!

I spotted a tip sheet for knitting jogless stripes in the round. I need to test it, to see how effective it is, but it looks like a good technique to marry with Lauren's PoA pattern.




Kari (Gyffindor done!)



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 11, 2004 1:50 AM.

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