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Ron's Animal Cracker Hat

After leaving BUST, I went down to Seaport Yarn to acquire the appropriate materials for my newest project: Ron's Animal Cracker Hat from Prisoner of Azkaban.

This is a still from the last trailer of Ron roaring like a lion.
Ron Roaring Still
Posted without permission from Warner Brothers

If you look closely, you can see his really fabulous knit hat:
Closeup of Ron's Hat

At Seaport, I wandered around for at least half an hour, checking out all the solid colored yarn. In the end, I opted for some Debbie Bliss Merino Aran. I think in regards to texture, it is appropriate in size. Plus, the colors were as close as I could get them. I think the two greens are spot-on. I believe the bottom color is a very dark eggplant, topped with a fuscha. I could only find an appropriate dark eggplant in some Zara yarn, so I decided to go with black and fuscha. Debbie Bliss' white is a bit off-white, which is good, but not off-white enough compared to the ecru in the hat. I think that's forgivable. I'll probably utilize the pattern from Stitch'n Bitch, the Hot Head Hat, for the basic structure and decreases for the ribbing. I think I've kind of figured out the pattern.

Ron's Pattern

I will need to swatch it, to see if it looks correct. Hopefully. Hehe. I'll work on it after I finish Salt Peanuts. I expect to be done with the sleeves by this weekend and then I can jump all over this one. I am tickling with anticipation!

Note added June 11th, 2004: Ron's knit hat in the Hogsmeade scenes looks like a chullo, in either a very dark brown or black. I'm leaning towards the dark brown, but I'll need to watch the movie again to make sure.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 8, 2004 5:23 PM.

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