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Knitting on the Road

I opted not to participate in the roleplaying convention. Again, much to Mike's chagrin. Primarily, this was because I knew I would be gone on Saturday and Friday evenings/Sunday mornings are dead times at conventions. So, I stayed in my hotel room and knitted away. I watched Law and Order, which is always good. Whenever I get into hotel rooms, I become TV junkie, which is why I try to avoid it like the plague when I'm home.

I'm probably going to finish the scarf next week, which is pretty scary since I thought I wouldn't get it done until really close to the June 5th deadline. I've been experimenting with a row of Continental knitting here and there. I can see how it can be faster than English knitting, but it's still slow and awkward for me. Knowing it will come in handy when I do two-color knitting in the future, so I'm trying to learn.

PoA Scarf

As you can see, I'm into my fifth repeat.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 1, 2004 7:21 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Repeat 9 Times.

The next post in this blog is Harry Potter Progress Update.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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