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January 2008 Archives

January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

May your 2008 be full of craftiness and fun!

Mine started out well. For Christmas, I received an Ashford Traveller spinning wheel (single drive) from my parents. It's lovely! No name yet, but I plan on breaking out a map of New Zealand and finding an appropriate name. Unfortunately, one of the parts was defective and I was unable to use it. When Mike got back from seeing his family for Christmas, he took a look at it and fiddled around and managed to "fix" the defective part.

I started spinning on the 29th and I had my first ball of yarn (and a small knitted wristlet) by the 30th! I've been spinning every evening ever since. Right now, I've got some semi-laceweight BFL from Blue Moon in an autumnal colorway spun up. I'm almost done with my first bobbin. I plan on filling another (I have enough for three full bobbins, I think) and then plying them to see the weight and check the yardage. I plan on knitting up a lacy autumnal-themed thing. Perhaps a scarf. I need to find an appropriate pattern (suggestions are welcome)!

Anyway, I plan on being better this year with my craft journaling. I have completed many projects and I don't have records of them and I really should start. Hopefully, I'll find my camera soon and can start taking pictures. Hee hee! 2008 has started well in the crafting department and I'm looking forward to seeing where this next year takes me.

About January 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Woolgathering Dot Net in January 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2007 is the previous archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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